Saturday, May 31, 2008

I locked everything up

out of here heading into work but I missed my bus and I got to the train and the train took off as soon as I pressed the button to open the doors. That’s the 2nd time this week. I got to work late but that’s ok. Again Moe’s taking the silent treatment pretty hard. Not that I haven’t made an effort. I’m off for an unschedualed Saturday and you know what, I don’t give a damn. I had a good night sitting with JT. I ended up with $385 on the night and a couple of credit card sales. I won’t get the $15 team credit card bonus because I’m off today. Other then my insulin in the morning, I’m sleeping in.

I got a small collection of bottles and cans after leaving the office I headed out to Audrey’s and got my only Star Trek book. I tried to order the Hall Spacejock books but the postage is going to kill me. I already have The Demon Princes books on order and they as omnibus books and the postage on those will kill me even more when they come in. We checked the Bard’s Tale books and unfortunately they are all out of print. I ended up ordering instead The first 3 Star Trek Vanguard series. They are not the original characters or anything but the books are in the same Universe. I’m also going to collect my Star Wars (books) again, less the Young Jedi Knights series. Actually, I’m going to forgo the Vanguard series for Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars: Thrawn Omnibus instead. I tried ordering Star Trek Enterprise but the series is partially out of print.
I had a nice quiet train ride to Clairview and Anne called again as I just got on the bus. I wanted to do some reading but no such luck. I got home did my admin stuff and Anne called saying she put the rent money in the bank. The first month since we got married that we didn’t have the $300 allowance. This helped pay for half our rent. That’s gone. But we’re okay. We both have jobs and getting by. Also we have $300 sitting here stored away for next month.

Blogging for me was a washout yesterday. I ended up doing some JFK research. I’m researching James A Andrew. This fellow tells a story of how a JD Tippit (moments before the policeman was killed) moved his Police car ahead of Andrew's car to block him off. Tippit ran out of his car holding up his hand looked in the front of Andrew's car through the glass and in the back seat and proceeded to get back in his car and move about his business. Whatever that was. Odd how this fellow wasn’t called to testify before the WC. Andrew said he recognized Tippit's name plate on his uniform. Even odd still how come nobody eve asked what kind of car Andrew drove? Odd even still was the location of this incident. If we knew what kind of car Andrew had at the time, this might have given us some insite as to the finale moments of JD Tippit's life. That would have given us a clue as to why Tippit pulled over this car above any others. I wonder if the newsgroup knows anything?

I don’t think I’ll take the pill over night. I’m tired enough as it is. I’ll save that for tonight and I’m going to head into bed as soon as I can.

Another book series I’m considering is the Everquest and Warcraft books. I've played Everquest about 5 years ago and really enjoyed it. Warcraft looks good but the characters look a little cartoony for me.

Twelve hours later: Anne gave me that pill about 3:45am and I took it after all. I went to bed and after 3am listened to a bit of George and Richard Hoagland. Good stuff. The space shuttle is supposed to launch today at 5:02pm EDT. They were talking about that today. This current module is named KIBO and the payload fills up the entire shuttle bay. It’s the size of a school bus.

On tap for today, I’m working on CH a bit and some more research on James Anderson and other stuff. I need to call Audrey’s books to cancel an order for another one instead.
I woke up about 5:30am to do the cbi thing and stumbled back to bed. At 6pm I’m watching game #4 of the Wings/Pens game. Of course a Pens victory. The Stanley Cup series is so predictable.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now

e. Jim

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Thursday

Relic Hunter was pretty good this afternoon. I had some trouble locking the place up getting all the cats inside. Anne forgot to make me a lunch but I think she didn’t have time. I got outside with a brief wait. I catch the bus just after 4pm. This way I avoid all the kids getting off school. Weather wise it was a bit on the humid side of things this afternoon. I got in and scooped up my end dialer. Rob was a bit shaken up because his Son had his Ipod stolen right from his desk. Lucianne keeps asking me if I called the Dentist from the number he gave me. I got some bottles and cans. I thought I’d be the bigger man and kind of come to Moe and carry on like nothing happened asking him if he would make an announcement about the Ipod incident but he just gave me a dry cold stare of contempt and walked away. I got to get out of that place. Kick off. I had a pretty good start with Winnipeg ASB and no credit card sales. JT and Sundeep weren’t there. Anne called me at break and had a decent total at break. I collected more cans and bottles.

After the brake I began to get credit cards. I got 3 on the night for my 12+ Actually 14 on the week, so if any of them kick out, it gives me a cushion and there’s always Friday night to get a few more. But if the $15 bonus from credit cards comes into play and the $28 in credit card bonuses, that should be $43 in bonuses, so far but because I’m taking Saturday off Rob might not pay me. The thing is, Once you collect 30 credit cards, that becomes $4, which could be $120 in bonuses. Some of those guys are getting $800 pay cheque’s for one week! Of course they’re like getting $11/hour but they are working like 62 hours/week, clearing $5-600/week. That’s like working every shift/day. Crazy but they’re getting a lot of crap from Rob in the process. Getting those credit cards sales isn’t easy.

I was glad to get out of there 9am and had a bit of a ride with Smarky to Central and a seat by myself back. There was a concert there at Rexal of some kind. It’ll show on the news. If I get $20 for my allowance, then great. I’ll have enough for the festive board for Lodge next week. I met the Security guard Moe on the bus at Clairview on the way home. The clouds were just beautiful this evening, covered in dark gold and blue backgrounds. Moe said he’d get me an application from the guard company tomorrow. I’m just thinking, what I’d like to do is work, Monday-Friday at Xl, but afternoons only and do the security guard job evenings. This way I still keep Xl and my weekly pay cheque. Anyway, that’s all right now. I’ll most likely edit this post before work.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now

e. Jim


I'm considering

using my Blogger account more often. So this was posted from earlier. Blogger has some nice features missing from Geeklog.

Leaving out the apartment yesterday afternoon I felt pretty good. I brought my list of books I want to order from Audrey’s. The 4 “Hal Spacejock” books. I like ordering 3 books at a time. My book ordering guy tells me that Amazon is pretty good indicator for finding what if any books are in print.

I got my dialer at work and Darrel sit with me. I didn’t say a word to Moe. I just ignored him. I had a pretty good Wednesday night pulling in 4 credit card sales. Love it. I had a couple of near misses but I got 11 so far out of the 12 I need to qualify. 12+ would be better. I had a good night getting updates on the game. I got a bunch of bottles and cans as well. We won the credit card sales bonus for the night. $15 each. I’ll have almost $40 bucks.

I had a nice relaxing train ride home getting in about 9:40pm.
Anne made me hotdogs and fries for lunch and I have a sleep time tea here I’m nursing on. Hopefully this will help put me to sleep.

While listening to Coast George read an excerpt from the “Director” (I can’t recall what the official title was ) of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider or LHC. In a press release the Director said the world doesn’t have to worry about the world coming to an end or anything like that. George said that the LHC will be turned in next month. In June? Wow. That’s when I got to check online this afternoon, to see of there’s a countdown clock of some kind. Sure enough, there is and it’s 40 days, 8 hours away as of this writing that means, Sunday July 9th. Most likely the first couple of attempts won’t provide any Earth shacking news. But with the LHC Physicists hope to have the right tool to locate the Higgs boson partial which theorists hope will provide missing links in the Standard Model of physics and could explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as mass. Out of the LHC as if that isn’t exciting enough, Physicists hope to be able to create mini-black holes that lasts for micro of seconds and even wormholes. There are some interesting spin off applications of the LHC, such as The Grid that will make the Internet 1,000 times more faster. The Grid should come on line in about the fall of this year but I doubt we’ll be able to use it right away.

The Pen’s of course won their game #3 at home. No kidding. The next game is on Saturday. I’m getting $20 bucks for my allowance. Plus the $15 COH, That’ll give me $35 and I can get all 3 of the Star Trek books, Friday after work. During lunch Anne suggested I take Saturday off. Damn that’s a good idea. I hadn’t had a Saturday off in like 10 weeks. I’ll go in Friday afternoon and work the afternoon shift and the evening shift. Go pick up my 3 books and I’ve got the weekend off.

My wife is going in for a mammogram test on Tuesday and we’re a little worried about the results. Hopefully the next day they will be favorable for her.
Currently on Coast: UFO Special From 11pm-1a PT, researcher & filmmaker James Fox updates his latest work investigating French ufology. He'll be joined by a surprise witness. From 12a-2a, author Richard Dolan discusses UFO secrecy and confrontations. Should be a pretty good show.

I’m kind of excited about CERN’s LHC when it comes online and what physicists hope to find. Now I’m not a Physicist but I still find the topic interesting. That’s be awesome if they discover the Higg’s boson right away or often referred to as the Higg’s Field (HF). Would the HF rip a hole in the Space-time? Stephen Hawkings doesn’t think physicists will find the HF. We’ll know after 39 days.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now

e. Jim


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