Monday, November 20, 2006

whew! ! ! !
So, Anne and I boarded the bus out here just after 8:30pm and we got to the Coliseum station and then we boarded a bus to Kingsway Mall and another bus to the Royal Alex hospital and the driver let us off where to go, easy to get to one block in. So we went to the 7th floor and to the Doctors office. I checked in and we had a long wait. It was just after 10am when one of the nurses gave me some eye drops to dilate my pupils. It was 10:15am and no “James Shannon?” It was about 10:45am before they called my name. I went right away to this little room and the same attendant that out the drops in my eyes made some initial eye tests and look into the eye chart type thing, then the laser scanning machine. “Look into the eye piece. Look at the green dot.” I saw a laser beam shoot up at various angles and smaller dots. The nurse checked into the monitor as she was doing this. I had to get another nurse to use a cue top to keep my left eyelid open. Ok. “Here’s some literature we give diabetic clients,” That was done back out to see Anne again, after a brief wait I was called in again and this time to see the “big guy herself.” The head honcho, She did some scans and said there is no retina damage. So I confirmed, “do I have what’s called a posterior capsular haze?” “Yes,” And I’ve got another visit 20th to my doctor in the building where I work. This time it’s an afternoon visit. And they are going to book me for a Yag. So, long story short, my vision is fine. No diabetic damage. Matter of fact I think after that visit my Doctor will probably book the Yag sometime early next month. And probably before the staff Christmas party my vision will be restored where I can read normally again. But let me tell you that it was quite a scare. I though I have macular degeneration but there is, no damage to the macular. Whew! ! ! What a relief.


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