Friday, November 24, 2006

I was
in bed by 3an but I couldn’t sleep of course, so I got up for a bit and worked on “F” some more and some website stuff. I think it was around 5am I finally went to bed after I did the cbi thing. I had a similar sleep experience as yesterday. I got up around noon and slowly made my way to the couch. I was dead tired. So I slept a bit on the couch for half an hour and that helped substantively.

Having my first coffee of the day. It’s a good one.

So, this afternoon I’m going onto work and I’ll be listening to the Oiler/Chicago game on the radio. JT usually puts it on and it’s a short 3.5 hour shift. After that, I’m considering heading up to Chapters again to see if
They have the sequel to Pandora’s star in stock. If not my alternative is Julie Czerneda. They’ve got book 1-2 of the Species Imperative series there. It’s easier to get to Audrey’s and I don’t have to be standing out in the cold waiting for a Chapters bus. I think I’ll go to Audrey’s tonight instead.

Speaking of the weather it’s currently –19/32. The windchill is bitter mostly because it’s a clear day out there making it even colder. I’m not dreading that early morning wait for the bus in the morning when I have to go in. I’ll be wearing my gloves for sure.

So that’s about all for me today.

e. Jim

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