Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Had a pretty
good shift tonight. Anne bought me KFC today and a DQ Sunday treat. Okay, she splurged a bit for me. I did a bsl reading and I’m at 5.1. Low but 8-11pm is always low. I ended up pulling in $780 just under line hour.

I Haven’t done any work on NW lately because I’ve been getting ideas together for SO and I have a premise at last. Now all that remains is to put the characters together and a scene synopsis. I Haven’t framed in my mind how the climax is going to go just yet. All I can say about the story is, it’s tranhumanism and a space habitate/colony about religion/machine .

I was glad to get out of there at work at 9pm. A brief wait at Carona. I thought, the train would be packed but surprisingly no. I mean it wasn’t empty either but I got a seat to myself. Now, if I can keep all my shifts going the way they are now this week and say put Thusday and Friday afternoon in I’ll have enough for my lodge dues. Speaking of which I got my lodge newsletter today and, if all goes well, I’ll have my dues and enough to not only buy a book but also have enough for the festive board.

Good stuff.


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