Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ended up
doing just over 1500 words on the day for Et. not to shabby. My goal is intact as I'm about to pass the 29k mark. I'm currently sitting at 28,877 so I hope to get over the 29k mark this afternoon or tonight after the Oiler game.

Other then that not too much going on. It's off the job thing at 4pm and into work. Tomorrow we're going to go into AHC leave here about 2:30pm and get some lunch at Taco Bell in City Center mall and then over to AHC and take care of that. I think this afternoon I want to go into Audrey's books and see if they have any of the books I want to pick up in my sidebar and go in and pick up something. I can only pick up one book. I'm a slow reader so I can only read one book/month.

Tonight at work, we're doing ASB again and I doubt there's another $1,000 total in there for me but in case there is, it's going to help my bank. That and I packed up my little walkman for listening to the Oiler game tonight. I think there's only been 2 teams in all NHL history that have ever come back from a 2-0 series loss. If the Oilers can pull off the near impossible then wow. Even more so if they can wwin tonight. I believe they will win tonight. I still stand by my prediction, SJ in 6. I should be home about 9:30pm and I might catch the 3rd period in progress.

After that back to work on Et. Go Oilers Go!


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