Monday, May 29, 2006

Anne talked
me into staying home tonight. Not that I really wouldn't mind going into work and all but well, ok. Since I'm not able to go to lodge Thursday because I don't have the lodge dues until at least June 8th. But I will be going to the emergent meeting.

Okay, I got to bed around 2am and I listened to Coast but I couldn't sleep. I stayed up watching tv for awhile and finally went to bed around 4:15am. I had a good 3 hrs sleep did the cbi thing and went back to bed about 7:45am and couldn't sleep right off. Finally around 8:20am or so, I managed to sleep until about 11:20am. I think I got a total of 7hrs sleep. Since I became diabetic I've never had a full 8hrs sleep. Some days I feel like I want to stay up until say 5am and sleep from 5-1pm. Uninterrupted. No distractions (other then to pee)

At about 4:45pm, I'm calling in saying I'm not feeling well. Bad back and all. I hope I can avoid Rob and the waterworks. I want to put some more hours in this week anyway. But tonight, I'm watching my 7pm wrestling and relaxing and reading Swain. I might be exaggerating though about the waterworks etc though. Hopefully I'll jusreceptionisteptioninst and I'll just talk to her. Or Will. Sigh. Other then that, not much going on for today. Just kind of laid back. I've got very little energy to put in another 4 hr shift today.

Weather wise, it's not bad out there. Overcast, breezy kind of day. We just paid our rent and Anne is going out for Pizza. Id like to put in some extra hours in this week starting tomorrow and do 1:30-9pm. Do that Tue, Wed, Thu including Fri night and Sat and I'll have 28.5hrs in.

As for now, I'm going to post this and make my Blog rounds. Finally, I'd like to take this time to thank all of my returning visitors for redribblethAnddrible. and to all that have stayed around 5 min or so to browse and read and to thank my subscribers as well. Thanks all for dropping by. I'm not out here to use this Blog to make money. I have a daily diary that I've kept up since May 12th 1980 and this Blog is taken out from what I'normallying normaly in that diary. Less of course personal or sensitive items. As long as I'm able to write in my diary, I'll keep Bloging here as long as Google makes this a free service.

Anyhow, that's all for today unless something else come up.


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