Friday, April 28, 2006

so far no call
from Pizza. To be fair we have no air time on the phone so they can’t call me back. So I’m going to go in there this afternoon and see what’s going on.

I realy need my own phone and if I get hired on at Pizza I’m leaving my current job. What with Pat blowing up at me yesterday because I wanted the dialer beside him and Dale leaving and the work we’re doing with going over to the front 20 for the first half and then the taps (for those that qualify) for the second half. Also, the AHC fiasco and many other things that if Pizza wants me in for an interview and hires me, I’ll leave my job so fast they wouldn’t know what hit them. If it was up to me, I’d be working Mon at Pizza but I have a few days of training to go through but so far they havn’t hired me on. This not having my own cell phone really sucks.
So, I’m going to leave out of here a bit early, 3:30pm right after Hogan and get down there and see what is happening.

Last night I took a gravel and I past out at 2am and slept until 6am so I got 4 hours there. Then I slept from 6:30-10:30 before laying in bed half awake. So, I had a total of 8 hrs sleep. So, I’m going to be on that train to Pizza and be there at 3:45pm. For all I know they might have called me already. I can’t hear the phone because we have no air time.

If the above is the case with Pizza and they have been trying to reach me in this hot economy of ours I wouldn’t know it. But these are the hours I’d work at: Mon-Wed 5-12 and Thur/Fri 11am-5pm and Friday 11-7pm. That’s 35hrs/week and it will get me my Thur night’s off for lodge.

At the moment I’m working on Et and it’s going well. I’ve squeezed a lot of elements that were spread over the course of 5 chapters in the original draft making into two chapters. It’s all about focus and I’m not having multiple viewpints in one scene like I did before.


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