Monday, April 24, 2006
I got to bed
about 3am after working on the outline for Et. Most of the stuff, if not all of it in the original ms is there. I figure it should be ready to write, May first and I’m goin g to writ it with S/S in mind. Each S/S will be about 2000 words. I’m going to work on the Et outline for awhile and go back to bed around 8am.
about 3am after working on the outline for Et. Most of the stuff, if not all of it in the original ms is there. I figure it should be ready to write, May first and I’m goin g to writ it with S/S in mind. Each S/S will be about 2000 words. I’m going to work on the Et outline for awhile and go back to bed around 8am.