Thursday, March 23, 2006

I did a lot of
work on the synopsis and into Chapter 15. As I'm going, I'm also tightening up Chapters as well. I really need to augment a lot of scenes. Some I need to enhance totally. And other I need to add. Earth Tones might go 100k but that's all for now.

I had enough sleep, even though I didn't get into bed until around 5am. So I slept from 5am-11:55pm just under 7 hrs. Not to shabby.

Outside its overcast -4* =windchill. Anne just left about a half hour ago to take the bottles over to the depot and we are expecting a courier truck to drop off a black box so we can have our phone on line back, so we're waiting for the box, possibly today or even tomorrow.

Now when that happens and we have our landline phone online, I'll have a phone number to give them so I can apply for a job at Pizza. The only thing stopping me from doing that this week is we haminutesminuts left remaining on our phone. I really need my own phone but the thing is I would rarely need to use it.But next week, I will get that ball rolling and hopefully I'll be at a new job. I might not get the hours I need because I don't know how the operation is set up there. They may have 3 shifts all right, 9-3, 3-11, 11-4am. If that's the case I'd do the 9-3 shift but I seem to recall Lesley's husband on the #120 last year as I was going into work and he was getting off to start at the Pizza 5pm shift.

Actually for me, mornings would make more sense being diabetic because I'm up anyway and falling back to sleep is hard on me. If I'm going to start someplace fresh, I'd like to go from say 9-3pm and then, I head home to meet Anne and have a bite to eat and have the whole evening to myself. That would give me 6hrs, Mon-Fri, weekends off.

Anyhow I went and thought about something big overall as the overal story goes and I'm quite excited about the direction. Whabiggeste of the biggist themes in my life right now? Closure. Finding closure to events in my life. Those events that my diary can't always connect to, where it becomes harder to fill in the gaps. This is one of the reasons that motivate me to write. To help explore unanswered questions my diary can't by filling in the gaps. In the world of writing I can explore this through the eyes of the character. Dark intruder will be about finding closure in my life to an event that happened 25 years ago but sci-fi'd up a but.


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