Monday, December 12, 2005

I got the sniffles and a scratchy throat today and Anne wants me to stay home. Okay but I'll make up for it this week and put some afternoons in.

I began to read Chapter 4 of Underworld last night and I'll finish reading the chapter this afternoon making subtle changes as I make the first pass. Also, I plan on fooling around with this blog some more. I want to get the Archives in the drop down menu among other things.

Late last night Anne gave me a gravel sleeping pill and I went to bed after watching "Smith and Smith" and I fell asleep then woke up around 5:45am fed the cats and took my insulin and went back to bed. Other then getting up to pee several times I slept pretty good. Those gravel pills work well on me. So, I'm just dosing in bed before noon and and the cat wakes me up but I gets up to make my first coffee. I like watching the noon hour news because I was prepared to go into the job tonight. I like waking up on the couch watching the news with my first coffee, to find out what's going on around in the world and the City. I also like to catch the markets as well. Especially the price of Oil, which I think is sitting around $59/barrel but I slept with my feet upon the coffee table letting my coffee go cold and I missed the whole markets portion of the news and most of the news as well. That gravel pill was pretty amazing.

Lets see now, CH goes out this month and the first read/revision of Underworld gets done and then the second rti's get done in January. The third rti gets done in February. March is the proofread and query letter. The target date for finding an agent gets underway in April. By then AON, WWW, and some of my other stories will get done and I'm going to work on another novel.

I still have that gravel in my system.

I like to go through the "Next Blog" button on top of the blog up there in the far right hand corner just to get an idea what other's are doing and I came upon this Free Alberta website. These folk speak my language and I like the idea of promoting Alberta Independence. and I believe in what their doing. I might even post a link to their site in my sidebar.

I label myself as a Pagan Conservative because of my occult roots that stretch over the last 25 years. When people ask me if I'm part of the religious right. Sure am but not the religion you think. People take an about face there and the Christian community doesn't even know we exist. Since this is mostly about my science fiction writing anyway I don't want to go there to much and promote my religious and political views. For that check out the sidebar links to AGF, one of my regular haunts where I'm known as Sebek over there but I haven't posted much over the last few years. I come in once a week or so make a comment and a contribution and that's about it.

Writing wise, I like to go ver to Forward Motion and I'll be doing that in a bit and I like to post there under my real name. I also like to go and visit the Gizmodo gadget page, the OTO Phenomena "What's new" to see what Peter Koenig is up to and of course Coast to Coast and the Drupal and Blogger Forums.

Tonight though there is an Oiler hockey game and I want to watch that and wrestling.

Speaking about TV, now TV is penetrating the cell phone market. Well, it's not quite there yet even though you can get a few channels but nothing local. Until "Sports Net" comes online and I can watch wrestling on my phone then I'll be a happy, right now, I'd like to have simple am radio in a cell phone. But there is satellite radio and I think this is the pre cursor to satellite TV in a cell phone. Now I wouldn't mind paying a small monthly fee to get local TV in a cell phone or even a small monthly fee to get am radio in a cell phone. I'd rather have am radio in a cell phone then TV.

Well, I think I'm about done with this today at least for now. Still slightly groggy. My appologies if this is put togetther a little choppy. That gravel is still in my system. More latter maybe.

e. Jim

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