Thursday, November 24, 2005

My wife's mother past away last night about 10:30pm Nova Scotia time, so this is a tough time for Anne and I. I feel very badly for my wife right now. My own father past away 1994 and my mother Dec 2000. So I know a bit about what she's going through. Two weeks ago she suffered a brainstem stroke and had to be fed through a tube. The real cause of death though was pneumonia caused from the stroke.

Last night I continued making adjustments on CH and I don't know if I'll be able to get the story ready to market this month but I've got the weekend.

Still, I was looking to register with Tehcnorati last night and I did that okay but had trouble getting the link to show up in the sidebar. I don't know if I want to do that this afternoon as I've got about an hour until I got to go into work. Or a least get ready. Anne won't be able to come in with me for obvious reasons.

Anyhow, wrestling is on tonight for me when I get home and the Oilers won against the Wildlast night, so I'm happy about that. Other then that, not much else going on today. The weather here in Edmonton is very nice for this time of year. Can't complain about that.

So tonight at work, I'm going to play around with the story CH a bit more. I'm getting some good ideas at my dialer and spotting some slightly hidden erros in between calls. Grammar of course being my main writing weakness. I was able to ask Darryl at work about doing some grammar checking for me but that's not been decided yet from his end.

more later.

e. Jim

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