Thursday, November 17, 2005

AON is done

but I wanted to go in for this afternoon but I was so tired and not getting much sleep, well I'll go in for tomorrow afternoon instead.

Anyway, I went to bed just about 6:15amish or so but I couldn't sleep. I was getting a bit shaky but I dozed off for a bit but Anne kept on waking me up. So I got up about 8:30am and I began to work on my story AON I even printed off a copy double spaced this time but the page number formatting wouldn't let me do double digits because I was to far over Also, I thought the story would come in at about 6k but I was surprised when It came in at 5,253. I need to cut 300 words from the story but I broke the story down into my 7 point outline segments to get the story just about 700 words but no way. That would have brought the book down to 4,999.

On a bit of a sad note, SciFi. Com according to Locus online will no longer be accepting fiction after the end of this year. Too bad as they were I believe the best paying market for sf stories paying up to .20 cents/word. And I was going to submit them a story by the end of the year. Reasons why are staff changes.

Also, there is an update on Eddie Gurrereo's death from last weekend and apparently he had a heart attack brought on by pain killers it seems he was in a lot of pain over the years. That's just what I heard from a fellow wrestling fan at work It seems he died in his sleep. I doubt there will be a Smackdown tonight but that's okay, the Oilers are in town playing Detroit tonight. That's enough to keep me busy.

Coast to Coast last night was boring, talking about predictions. Tonight I think it's about Politics espionage and China. Should be a good show, if I can stay up for it.

e. Jim

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